Farm Dogs, Fresh Flowers & Ferdinand The Bull

DSC_0331 51gQ1zSyL-L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Picking flowers last night, I looked over at Farmer lounging in the grass and was reminded of my favorite children’s book, The Story of Ferdinand (The Bull). Just like Ferdinand, Farmer likes nothing better than to lie around outside peacefully, watching the world go by and literally, smelling the roses. Poor Ferdinand got hauled off to the bullfights when he accidentally sat on a bee and jumped so high that folks thought he was a lively sort. But it all ended well when Ferdinand refused to fight and simply sat and sniffed the flowers in the hats of the ladies in the arena. It’s a story of contentment and peacefulness, two things that are a bit hard to come by on a busy farm during the high season.


But now the flowers are coming in. The zinnias and cosmos and sunflowers are blooming, the dill is 6 feet high, the calendulas are everywhere.


Which means that now, after an exhausting day on the farm, I can look forward to my favorite zen farm chore–collecting flowers in the cool of the evening with my very Ferdinand-esque dog at my side (or rolling in the grass nearby). A most excellent antidote to the day’s stresses!


Flowers and dogs are really two of life’s greatest joys, so listen, get yourself one if you don’t have the other.




One thought on “Farm Dogs, Fresh Flowers & Ferdinand The Bull”

  1. Ferdinand was my favorite book to read to Josh! I can only imagine how much Farmer loves the beautiful flowers. Wish I could lie around under them. As for other favorites, I’ll be cooking your zucchini and tomato gratin from Fine Cooking this weekend now that we’re getting tomatoes in. I’ve always loved that recipe.

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