Will it be Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3? Only the Hens Know

Our 300 new pullets arrived yesterday. That makes a total of 540 chickens for us. The pullets are 16 weeks old and will begin laying small eggs in about a month. By high summer, we will be collecting more than 3000 eggs a week. That’s 250 dozen, plus.

Should be interesting.

The delivery came a week early (of course), with a few days warning. So Roy has been working like mad to get the three new coops built and the fencing up. When the girls arrived at 10 am yesterday, we took them directly out of their travel crates and put them right in the coops to get them used to their new homes.

After setting up the farm stand this morning (above)  and eating my breakfast (Green Island Farm eggs of course!), I went down to watch Roy let the girls out into their lovely grassy field.

But the girls were not in a hurry. We watched and waited a bit, then went back to work. It took the first birds until 2 pm to get up the courage to go out (even though they could see their big sisters in the pen right next to theirs.) And even then, one entire coop stayed put for another hour. It was the funniest thing watching them all standing in the doorways. Which ones would come out first? All I could think of was the “The Price is Right.” Would it be Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3? Well, the group behind Door #1 were definitely the brave ones, out and about first. (Top photo.) Group 3 (bottom photo) followed, while Group 2 (middle photo) must have had something pretty interesting going on in the coop, because they didn’t budge for quite a while.

It’s a beautiful day for the girls to be settling into their new digs. Let’s just hope they don’t get too adventuresome too quickly. Their big sisters found an opening in their fence yesterday, and about 60 of them went strolling down the Land Bank path right about the time the pullets were arriving. (At least there weren’t as many escapees as last time.)

And fortunately the pullets don’t have to worry about being the new kids on the block for too long. Our 25 baby Aracauna chicks are due to arrive at the post office on Monday. Yes, you heard that right. But they won’t start laying (blue) eggs until September, so that’s two dozen we won’t have to think about for a while!




4 thoughts on “Will it be Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3? Only the Hens Know”

  1. Susie, you have a market for 250 dozen a week? Are you supplying all the Vineyard???? Certainly wish we could take some off of your hands. Will much of your time be spent collecting/packaging/marketing eggs? I have no clue…

  2. Hi Kathy and David,

    Well there are 18,000 people year round on MV, so if you think about it, 250 isn’t so much…big demand for local eggs out here and we sell through the grocery store as well..but yes, the time factor (washing, packinng, etc.) has all been built into our business plan, though as you know what’s on paper and what actually happens…well, it’s all very interesting!

  3. Susie, wow! that is a lot of chickens, not to mention all the eggs to collect in the future.

    Sounds like a wonderful life, wish your Uncle Val and I were able to visit your stand.

    Looking forward to visiting Lewes in 2 weeks and walking in the Park and on the beach.

    Have a great Summer…Love Annie

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