This morning I got stung by a bee—twice. It was my fault—I was trying to harvest squash blossoms, and the bees weren’t finished with their business inside them. One bee got so mad at me that he followed me all the way to the compost pile. And somehow, one got inside my pants. Yeah, ouch.
But I’m not in a bad mood—I’m as happy as can be. It’s impossible not be filled with excitement around here. Martha’s Vineyard in August—especially the third week in August—will make your head spin. Fireworks, the Fair, the President. Yesterday the President’s motorcade whizzed by our front door. The family stays just a quarter-mile up the road from us, so this will be a familiar site.
But the most exciting thing of all for us yesterday wasn’t the President—it was the blue and red ribbons we won at the Fair. This past weekend, we carefully filled out the entry form after looking at what we had in our garden, and decided to enter in two flower categories and five vegetables. Since we grow our vegetables and flowers to sell at a farm stand, we had to enter as commercial growers.
Wednesday morning, we picked our Fair entries after harvesting for the farm stand, took our goodies home and cleaned them up, and delivered them to the Ag Hall. We got a ticket for each entry and sat down at a picnic table to label everything. Next to us was a young family putting the finishing touches on all the artwork they were entering. Kids and adults alike work all year long on Fair entries, and you see the coolest stuff on delivery day. My favorite was a giant piece of driftwood covered entirely with seashells and other shore treasures—so great. Of course, I’ve never entered something in a Fair before, so I was pretty darn excited. Not nearly as excited as Roy, though, who was so proud of the gladiolas he grew. He’d chosen three beautiful white stems that already were capturing oohs and ahs from friends we ran into, and he really wanted to win a ribbon.
So last night, when we made our way past the Rock Climbing Wall, the Diamond Dragon Ride, the Cotton Candy and Fried Chicken trailers, and the Flintstones Game to push through the doors of the Ag Hall, I was worried Roy might be disappointed. No need for that—he rushed ahead and seconds later reappeared with a smile on this face. His glads got a red ribbon for second place, and he couldn’t have been happier. I really didn’t have expectations on our other stuff, so when Roy kept finding things and coming back to tell me “the onions got a blue ribbon!” “the fingerlings got first place!” I was amazed. We got six ribbons out of the seven categories we entered! How could that be, I thought?
Well, I looked around and it seemed to me there weren’t a whole lot of commercial entries this year (many more home entries), and that we sort of won by default in some cases. No matter, I thought, this is still a thrill. But someone told me this morning that the judges don’t award a ribbon if they don’t think there’s something worthy in a category; so that means our stuff was at least pretty decent! So for now, I’ll let myself feel good about this—after all, some of those darn vegetables started as seedlings in our apartment almost six months ago, and there was a lot of love and hard work that got them to the Fair!
I celebrated with cotton candy (pink, of course)—Roy with a sausage and peppers grinder. We played a game or two (Roy had to win me a stuffed animal, of course). The moon was glowing in a clear ink-blue sky, and the night was as fine as could be—cool and dry. We strolled through the barn to see the draft horses, prize chickens, and magnificent oxen—and then headed back to the car. After all, we still had work to do—closing the farm stand for the night.
Congrats Sue and Roy! Way to go! Way to show off your green thumbs. xo
Yeah, Susie! Congratulations! (great photos, too!)
Susie—this is great news! All that hard work resulted in ribbons. Love hearing what’s going on at the other end of the country. When I see an e-mail from Six Burner Sue, I always know it’ll brighten my day. Keep ’em coming. Used your cookbook last night for sauteeing our Rocky Mountain veggies.
Thanks everybody–very exciting! We’ve just spent the morning in the garden–new carrots are coming in and we’re snacking on the thinnings for lunch. Sold lots of tomatoes yesterday. Heading back to the Fair this afternoon with Libby–yay!
Way to go sis! That is so exciting and fun. (sorry about the bee stings!)
Congratulations on getting rewarded for all your hard work…I’ve always had Ag Fair Ribbon envy!
Hi Sis! Thanks! Hope you had a good weekend in Lewes
Great post, congratulations on the ribbons and the worthy flowers and veggies. Also loved your book signing and demo. I went back the next day to buy a copy of Fast, Fresh and Green for my cousin who lives in MV. Karen and her husband Alan spent two days showing us the island. Clever you, I was able to buy her an autographed copy. Thanks for leaving some signed ones at Bunch of Grapes.
Hi Margo–Thanks so much for coming to the signing. It was great to see you and Rob! Glad you had a nice time on the Island and thanks for all those Fast, Fresh & Green purchases!! Hope your trip home was a nice one. Take care, Susie
Hi Susie, So great to read your blog and hear about your success. Way to go!
Thanks Bran!
Congratulations to you and Roy!! What a great life. I also love your photos.
I made your roasted tomatoes last night, sooo good.
Hi Aunt Randi,
Thanks and hope you’re enjoying lots of end-of-summer tomatoes and corn in Lewes! (I hope everyone who reads my blog realizes how many talented cooks (like you) that I have in my family!)
Ian and I were in Edgartown first week of August – couldn’t find you…love the book – gifting it galore!
Maybe next summer.
Hi Joy! So glad to hear from you and thank you for supporting the book. Got a quick visit with Margo and Rob here a couple weeks ago (they came to a signing). August is crazy here, so sorry to have missed you! Take care and hi to Ian, Susie
Fabulous! Congratulations on your ribbons! Reaping rewards for hard work is always satisfying, but receiving a well deserved pat on the back for something you clearly love and cherish makes it all the more rewarding. Sounds like a red-letter day!
Just found your site and cookbook – both look wonderful! Looking forward to visiting here more often.